A Travel Trailer Blog

Tag Travel Trailer Accessories

What’s in your Tool Box?

Travel Trailers can and do break down, this is just a fact.  It may be something minor like a loose faucet connection, or something major like a broken suspension.  Your tool box should contain the tools you need most frequently… Continue Reading →

Why you should consider Safe Jack

Safe Jack is not a sponsor of this blog, not did they send me any of their products for free. This is just my personal opinion of their product based on my experience. Picture this: You are rolling down the… Continue Reading →

MarCELL – A Multi-purpose Solution

There’s no denying that I love my MarCELL unit. It has brought me a lot of security around leaving my Sable Shepherd, Eva, in the travel trailer. If the power were to go out at the campground, or if the… Continue Reading →

What features would make the best Travel Trailer?

I am very curious about what features fellow Travel Trailer enthusiasts think would make the best travel trailer. I have brainstormed this issue with other RV owners in the past and I will tell you what my thoughts are. However… Continue Reading →

2035 Miles and Almost Zero Issues

All in all, a pretty uneventful trip from a travel trailer perspective as we have had trips filled with multiple issues in the past.

There’s always more to do…

Here in north Texas we have gone from hot dry weather, to a hard freeze, to a torrential series of rainfalls; almost overnight. This whole year has been somewhat of an anomaly from a weather standpoint. Even Eva isn’t too… Continue Reading →

This Heat is Relentless & AC Modification

I have to say the heat in North Texas is really getting old. Not since 2015, have we experienced so many 100 degree days strung together. It is a struggle just to keep our house foundation watered. Not only does… Continue Reading →

Hot Hot Hot

It’s hot, hot, hot, in Texas and across the country right now. Usually we get a period of transition here in Texas before the triple digit stuff, but not this year. We pretty much dove right into it. As a… Continue Reading →

New Shoes for the Travel Trailer

So, it’s been five years and about 18000 miles on our Travel Trailers Goodyear Endurance Tires. Tammy and I have a lot of great memories thanks to those tires! After our last trip I could tell we were getting to… Continue Reading →

Thomas Payne Furniture by Lippert Components – Part 2

So there has been a slight delay in receiving my shipment of Thomas Payne Furniture. It was picked up in a timely fashion and then it sat in Indiana for almost a week. Right now it looks like the delay… Continue Reading →

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