A Travel Trailer Blog

Tag winter

North Texas Rain and Cold Snap

Just a few days ago Tammy and I were enjoying a cold beverage on the patio as Eva splashed in the pool with her toys. Then the forecast took a radical change. Sorry Eva, your summer pool parties are over!… Continue Reading →

A bit of a new Twist on Winterizing

Since I’ve been living in Texas I have only winterized our travel trailer by blowing the water lines out with compressed air. Then I use RV Antifreeze in the sink and shower traps and in the toilet bowl. This year… Continue Reading →

Winterizing Begins Now.

This is a repost of one of our previous blogs. Why? Because winterizing is starting now, not only up in the northern states, but in the south as well. Many folks are worried about having another “Texas Freeze” and have… Continue Reading →

Winter is coming to Texas!

Winter has come to Texas!

Winter is Here – Get Your To-Do list Ready

If your in the middle of the deep freeze, you have something in common with almost everyone right now; Winter is here – Get your to-do list ready Despite the horrible weather, this really is the best time to start… Continue Reading →

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