A Travel Trailer Blog

Tag weather

Hunkering Down – The Winter Blast is Upon Us!

We are not currently camping, we are home in North East Texas bracing for the winter blast. While this storm has been predicted to hit Texas for over a week, I have read that many folks put off winterizing their… Continue Reading →

The Surprise After the Storm

After the Storm I thought “Well, that wasn’t so bad after all”. Now if you happened to be North West of Dallas, that weather was not good. Of course going through major hail damage on our new house back in… Continue Reading →

It’s going to get ugly tonight

Wow, the storm that is heading towards North Texas is going to be very dangerous. They are predicting 70 mph winds with baseball sized hail and possible tornado activity. So, it’s going to get ugly tonight. If you are camping… Continue Reading →

Sometimes there is no escaping the weather

So, in our last blog we talked about our inability to move the travel trailer since last fall due to the incessant rain. Well, we finally got on the road but sometimes there is just no escaping the weather. For… Continue Reading →

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