A Travel Trailer Blog

Tag Travel

Trip to the factory is a bust & Eva Grace

As you will see, things don’t always turn out the way you anticipate. This post is about how the trip to the factory is a bust & Eva Grace. March was going to be a really hectic month for us… Continue Reading →

The Johnson Space Center

It’s Day 2 at Huntsville State Park. Tammy suggested we go to the Johnson Space Center since this will be the warmest day before a cold front moves in. Since we are expecting to spend quite a bit of time… Continue Reading →

The Anti-Handyman

I saw a post on-line recently where a person asked “if I am really not handy can I still fix things on my Travel Trailer”? The short answer is probably no. If you haven’t guessed already, today we are going… Continue Reading →

Winter is Here – Get Your To-Do list Ready

If your in the middle of the deep freeze, you have something in common with almost everyone right now; Winter is here – Get your to-do list ready Despite the horrible weather, this really is the best time to start… Continue Reading →

It’s going to get ugly tonight

Wow, the storm that is heading towards North Texas is going to be very dangerous. They are predicting 70 mph winds with baseball sized hail and possible tornado activity. So, it’s going to get ugly tonight. If you are camping… Continue Reading →

The trip Northward – Returning to our favorite Wisconsin Campground

Tammy and I spent the morning slowly getting ready to leave Fort Atkinson.  We were just 90 minutes away from our campground in Racine County.  therefore there is no reason to rush.  The trip northward was reaching its goal; but… Continue Reading →

The Trip Northward Continued

The Trip Northward Continued. Day one on the road to Wisconsin started at 5:30 in the morning. We pulled out of the driveway in  complete darkness with 70 degree weather. Our neighborhood has only few street lights and they are… Continue Reading →

The Trip Northward…

September 19th is coming, the trip northward.  This is the big trip of the year which takes us from Texas through Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois to Wisconsin; then down to Indiana and back home through Kentucky and Tennessee.  This trip… Continue Reading →

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