A Travel Trailer Blog

Tag travel trailer repairs

3316 Miles, 12.3 MPG, and a list of repairs!

After 3316 miles and averaging 12.3 miles per gallon; our yearly trip to Wisconsin is complete. However, the results of the trip will be with us for a while! This trip was filled with more than a few surprises. None… Continue Reading →

The Trip to Wisconsin Concludes – Part 7

The Trip to Wisconsin Concludes after 10 days at Cliffside Park in Racine County. Packing and sorting in the back of the truck continued for the last few days at Cliffside. In the middle of the packing I made a… Continue Reading →

Do Not Neglect Your Air Conditioner

You may think your AC filters stay clean a long time but they don’t. So do not neglect your Air Conditioner. If you are unfamiliar with your particular unit, a great place to start is with the owners manual. The… Continue Reading →

The Anti-Handyman

I saw a post on-line recently where a person asked “if I am really not handy can I still fix things on my Travel Trailer”? The short answer is probably no. If you haven’t guessed already, today we are going… Continue Reading →

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