A Travel Trailer Blog


Year End Industry Update

The year end numbers are in from the RVIA for shipments through December of 2024. Overall, the shipments were up for the year by 6.6% over the ending numbers for 2023. That might sound great with 333,733 total RV shipments… Continue Reading →

It’s a bleak year for RV Sales – RVIA November Shipments

If you’re looking for a positive blog post, you might want to back out of the site today! The RVIA’s November report of manufacturers’ shipments found that total RV shipments ended the month with 23,573 units. This is a decrease… Continue Reading →

The RV Industry as we come to the end of 2024

Let’s talk about where the industry is as far as shipments via the latest report from RVIA.  Just keep in mind shipments do not equal sales. Shipments are units moving from the manufacturers to the Dealer lots. For those that… Continue Reading →

NDA’s and the RV Industry

So, there are several different YouTube influencers that have now been asked to sign an NDA agreement as part of their settlement with an RV manufacturer. Let’s talk about NDA’s, aka non-disclosure agreements for just a minute. An NDA might… Continue Reading →

RV shipments are down over 40%

RV Industry Association’s October 2023 shipment numbers are in. Total RV shipments for October were 28,371 units, a decrease of 13.1% when compared to the 32,652 units shipped in October 2022. Year to date, RV shipments are down (-40.6%) with… Continue Reading →

The September RV Shipments Report

The total number of RV shipments in September was a total of 24,700 units, that is a decrease of 12.9% when compared to the 28,363 units shipped in September 2022. Year to date shipments are down (-42.8%) with 238,121 units…. Continue Reading →

The Slump Continues for the RV Industry

It’s been about three months since I have talked about the RV industry’s shipments. Well, needless to say the shipment slump continues. For July of 2023 the total RV shipments were 20,520 units, that is a decrease of 30.5% overall… Continue Reading →

March RV shipments and a bit of history

I thought I would start this post just talking from a historical perspective about RV shipments over the last few years. After that we can discuss the March RV shipment numbers. The first time that the RV industry exceeded 500,000… Continue Reading →

RV Shipments in February down

As always, the RVIA tends to put a rosy outlook on bad news. Even USA today reported on how the slump in the RV industry was a good indicator of a pending recession.

RV Manufacturing continues to slip…

As predicted in my previous post last month, the RV shipments continue their decline. RV shipments for September fell to 28,333 units. That is a decrease of (-48.5%) compared to the 55,014 units shipped in September 2021. If you are… Continue Reading →

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