Our Son gets married, a story that will cover 4225 miles and 11 states as we traverse the beauty of the country with the frustration of having a less than perfect travel trailer. We rolled out of the driveway on… Continue Reading →
We decided to get another quick trip in before our big journey northward in July. I really wanted to go to Dangerfield State Park but they were full. So we headed for our second favorite which is Tyler State Park…. Continue Reading →
I wanted to give a little update on our trip home from Florida, which for the most part was uneventful; until interstate 75 was shut down On a side note: I know its been about twelve weeks since our last… Continue Reading →
First of all, let me say Happy New Year! It’s been a great year traveling throughout the country in our Travel Trailer. Tammy and I have spent over a quarter of 2017 on the road since March of this year. … Continue Reading →
We decided to go Lake Corpus Christi State Park in late November. This would be our very first “Thanksgiving Holiday” camping trip. When we lived in Wisconsin this would not have been possible. Our travel trailer would have been winterized… Continue Reading →
You never know what happens at your campsite…until no one knows you’re there. The thing to remember is that a campground is a microcosm of society. A campground is a mini-neighborhood. Since our truck was in for service, Tammy and… Continue Reading →
Tammy and I spent the morning slowly getting ready to leave Fort Atkinson. We were just 90 minutes away from our campground in Racine County. therefore there is no reason to rush. The trip northward was reaching its goal; but… Continue Reading →
Day two started like any other day camping; get the girls up and out for a walk, feed them breakfast, and take care of ourselves. Then we would continue the trip Northward. As I was packing things up, Tammy asked… Continue Reading →
September 19th is coming, the trip northward. This is the big trip of the year which takes us from Texas through Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois to Wisconsin; then down to Indiana and back home through Kentucky and Tennessee. This trip… Continue Reading →
Long winding roads, scenic views, windy days and cool nights are just a few of the things you can experience at Palo Duro Canyon State Park in Canyon Texas. Palo Duro Canyon is the second largest canyon in the United… Continue Reading →
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