For those of you in North Texas that braced the winter blast, and survived it, congratulations. I have to say that I’ve never experienced that much freezing rain over a 12 hour period. Needless to say to say it took a horrible toll on my Vitex, and one of my Cedar Elms.

Eva 2021

I listened on and off all night as the sleet/freezing rain pelted our windows. More importantly, I listened for my MarCELL to notify me of any power outage in the Travel Trailer. The trailer is plugged into the shop Power. The shop Power supply also runs the pool equipment. So, if MarCELL sends me a text; I know I need to spring into action before my pool equipment is damaged. For those of you that don’t have a MarCELL unit in your trailer, this is yet another good use for it. To read our review on the MarCELL unit click here. You wont regret the peace of mind it provides when you travel with pets.

That is an amazing amount of weight

So I did get two text alerts of power outages during the night. The power outages were only a few seconds each, and I received additional MarCELL texts reporting that power had been restored. So at least that part of the night went smooth. I woke up often listening to the freezing rain pelting our windows. I kept hoping it would turn to snow, but it never did.

When Eva and I got up about 4:30 AM and I peered out into the darkness, I could see the damage the ice had done to the plants. Later I told Tammy that I thought the Vitex would be a total loss. This would be terrible because we both love those bushes. All around us the damage was similar; broken limbs, bent bushes, etc.

I can’t imagine how an RV roof would stand up to the kind of weight that bent these Vitex. Or the amount of weight that snapped a huge branch off my Cedar Elm. Hopefully all of you brave souls camping, survived with little to no damage.

I did read about one couple that was having their entry door freeze shut on them. Of course even my trailer under the overhang received a nice thick sheet of ice on its side.

So, after two days I am happy to report that my Vitex have recovered and the outlook moving forward is for much warmer weather. Here’s hoping we can get through the remainder of the winter without another winter blast! As always we hope you stay safe and warm!