This is the story of Eva, our sable shepherd puppy’s first camping trip; Eva begins camping! This is day 2!

Time to get out of your crate Eva!
Time to get out of your crate Eva!

The day started just like it does at home. I get up about 4:30 AM and head to the kitchen. In the trailer Eva’s crate is next to the table in the kitchen area. Eva waits patiently as I grab the leash and let her out of the crate. Then we go to the door. I hold her head and say “No barking”, and we proceed to leave the trailer.

It’s dark out, really dark out. Surprisingly Eva does quite well. We linger at the campsite for a bit and then head down to the main grassy area next to the showers. I am looking around constantly for Raccoons, because they are everywhere here; there are none. I am hoping she will finally relieve herself and she does…in a big way. Then we trot down the side of the building and she poops! All is well, the camping trip will continue.

The rest of the day Eva has no problem going to the bathroom, so that hurdle has now been crossed. Now the final hurdle; which is to get her to tone down on the barking; because no one likes a barking dog!.

Every time we left the trailer I would take a pocket full of treats and reward her when she would see kids or adults and not bark. She did very well and we would only have an occurrence when she would see other dogs.

We were able to go for several long walks down the park roads including a few directly through the camping areas with no issues. In addition She did one of her favorite things on a walk; she found a stick and carried it back to camp.

Eva and her stick!
Eva and her stick!

We actually spent a few hours out of the trailer with her and she was very good. Eva even got up on her Coolaroo, and actually chewed her bully stick and relaxed. The coolaroo will be going with us on our longer trip in a few weeks. Eva is the first dog that we have had that actually seems to like it.

Eva on her Koolaroo
Eva on her Coolaroo

Inside the trailer is never an issue; she treats the travel trailer as her second home. She moves around the trailer grabbing toys, playing and sleeping. Obviously our goal down will be to eventually travel without the crate, but I think that is probably a few years down the road.

Eva, in the Travel Trailer…very relaxed

The rest of the day and evening were happily non-eventful. Tomorrow will be the day we pack up and leave so I would expect her to get a little wound up. One day left of the trial run!

To follow this trip from the beginning click here

To continue on this trip click here.