We just returned from Oklahoma City and we brought some horrible weather with us. If you followed our last blog post (click here to read it), you will remember we were braving some rather cold conditions in Oklahoma City. However, our last full day there was beautiful. In fact even the day we left was beautiful.

Of course all that changed about three quarters of the way home. I received a text from one of my neighbors that said “It seems like you guys always bring crappy weather back with you”. He might be right.

Last year after my sons wedding we came home and parked on our pad next to the shop. What happened next was unending rain that would continue from September (the wettest September on record) through March. In fact it was impossible to walk in the yard for months due to the soft ground.

In contrast, this September was the driest on record. Of course now we are in November and the rainy season is here. The day we returned from our trip was gloomy and drizzly enough but the next day was nothing but rain and cold.

Now, we have a couple of days that are going to be pleasant and then we are going to dip below freezing at night for at least three days. That is unseasonably cool for this time of year.

For everyone else in the north of Texas, well they have probably already placed their travel trailers into winter hibernation. Down here in Texas, it’s really a back and forth sort of dance with the winter and camping. If the weather is good, you take advantage of it and go camping; if it looks bleak, blow out your lines and put antifreeze in your p-traps and wait – the weather will change.

For some folks in Texas this is prime camping weather. The summers are so hot down here that most folks would rather wait for cooler weather. We tend to camp all year round.

For any of you that have waited to winterize your trailers, please read our post How to Winterize a Travel Trailer. Even in Texas winterizing needs to be done occasionally. White your at it don’t forget to perform other maintenance as it pertains to taking care of your water heater and refrigerator etc.

Tomorrow is our last nice day before the cold snap, so it will be time to prepare the travel trailer for the freezing weather.

On a side note: Yesterday as I filled and replaced the propane bottles I found that at some point the regulator dial (that regulates which propane bottle is the primary) was not positioned correctly. Somewhere along the line it had been moved to an upside down position. This was allowing propane to only be used from the left tank. After moving the dial 360 degrees, the regulator began to function normally again. I’m glad I found this problem prior to running out of propane. It’s always something!

Stay Warm!