After the Storm I thought “Well, that wasn’t so bad after all”. Now if you happened to be North West of Dallas, that weather was not good. Of course going through major hail damage on our new house back in January of 2015, I certainly feel for anyone that had any damage from the storm. Just getting an appointment for house repairs, when there are so many affected, can be a nightmare; not to mention dealing with the insurance companies.

The picture below shows how the storm looked at 8:50 PM as it was making it’s way toward us. However, fortunately for us, it weakened considerably by the time it rolled into our area.

The ugly storm approaches the Dallas area.

When the storm rolled in here at about midnight it had become just a strong wind and driving torrential rain. There really wasn’t even a lot of lightening and thunder. Our white shepherd Hannah hates thunder and lightening so this was a relief.

A much milder storm than we expected

Now, what is really surprising about this storm? Well, not the fact that it weakened over the course of a few hours. What was really surprising is that people complained that it wasn’t as bad as it was expected to be.

Most of the time you would think that people would be happy that the storm became weaker; and spared them the home and vehicle repairs they might have faced. This was not the case. If fact the local weather man actually got an overwhelming amount of hate mail because the storm didn’t live up to what they had predicted. What ever happened to be erring on the side of caution? Oddly, this seems to be the dysfunctional world we live in now.

In our latest book “A Guide to Enjoying your Travel Trailer” we talk about the online community and how it is a blessing and a curse. Despite all the wonderful things that you can discover on blogs, facebook, and YouTube, there is also the darker side of social media. Unfortunately, everyone isn’t as nice on line as they would be in person.  It becomes counterproductive when someone needs real help and others ridicule them or hijacks their post.  Unfortunately, too many times people strongly insert their own critique of the person asking the question as opposed to providing the help that person earnestly needs.

One only needs to visit a social media platform such as Facebook, and raise a question about RV Tires or Tow Vehicles in order to see what kind of nastiness gets stirred up.  I guess we will now need to add weather to that list. Sadly, this is just the world we live in today; people who are nice in person might be exactly the opposite with their on-line persona.

I for one, am thankful that I and my neighbors didn’t feel the anticipated wrath of the storm. Weather is unpredictable. That is why I said in my previous post not to take a wait and see attitude with this storm. That’s also why we have a weather radio, you just don’t know when things will go from bad to worse. This time it went from bad to better, and I’m grateful.

Stay safe and be happy!