So, it looks like we will be going away for the first of the year. Primarily to escape the fireworks that typically get shot off in our neighborhood. I think folks that shoot these off either don’t have dogs, or have no empathy for dogs or their owners. Most dogs don’t like thunderstorms let alone fireworks. Unfortunately, they are usually being launched a few days in a row. If it was just one night for a set period of time, that wouldn’t be an issue but this is just too much to put Eva through.

Our Girl Eva

So we are heading to a Texas State Park, Martin Dies Jr, and we are hoping for a quiet evening on the 31st.

The Travel Trailer has already been winterized so I guess we will see what the weather will be like. If it appears that we can use the water lines with no issue, then we will. If it looks like we are going to dip below freezing, then we will do the trip without water. Bottled water will be just fine.

I have both LP tanks full, and we have a fireplace in addition to heat strips in the AC in the bedroom. This should help on drawing down the propane. 

The plan is to pack easy to make meals, and go from there. Stay tuned for how this plays out! I’ll also need to buy some antifreeze for when we get back home.

In the meantime, everyone have a safe and happy New Years 2024!