Our stay at Pilgrims campground has been a lot of fun. We saw Cindy and Dick each day we were here and got to spend sometime Sunday with Tammy’s Parents.

Meanwhile we have been able to leave Eva in her kennel inside the trailer twice; and she has been fine. She typically has some separation anxiety because as a puppy it was all of us together 24/7 due to Covid. In addition all the other dogs we have had lived with at least one other dog. We are a one dog family now, so when we leave her there isn’t another dog to keep her company. All things considered she is doing great.

Evas loving it

The first night we were here there was a State Camping Square Dance Club camping next to us. I would say perhaps 6 to 8 travel trailers made up the group. There was also one couple that camped in a tent.

While Dick and Cindy were here on Saturday, I noticed they were all congregated in a group and later they began dancing. They were only two sites over and I couldn’t even hear the music. So they were very considerate.

The next day we were able to talk to a few of the members as they were packing up. The gentleman next to us told us about his camping trip through Canada to Alaska; and how he had to start begging for gas in Alaska due to a lack of gas stations. It was a pretty long story and his wife was getting irritated (she wanted to get on the road); but he was not dissuaded from finishing. This was a great group of people.

Once the Square Dance Troupe left the campground there were probably four other travel trailers on the far end of our section. The next day they pulled out early so we had the whole campground to ourselves with the exception of a smaller airstream that was from California.

I really like this campground. It is always quiet and we have been able to get satellite TV here with no issue. That being said, I have to figure out why I can connect in the bedroom but can’t seem to bring the channels up. It worked fine the first night but not after that. The main TV has full satellite coverage with no issue. So it’ll be another call to Dish Outdoors support if this happens at Cliffside.

So today’s objective is to be packed up and in the road by noon so we can roll into Cliffside Park by 2:00 PM. We will be there for the next four weeks.