This is the story of Eva, our sable shepherd puppy’s first camping trip; Eva begins camping! This is day 3!

I picked up most of the camping stuff last night. This included the chairs and packing of the grill. I also maneuvered some storage bins around so I could hook up quicker in the morning. I keep tools and supplies in one bin, Black water supplies in another, and clean water supplies in a third container.

When getting the travel trailer ready to leave camp there is a fair amount of in and out that takes place; that would always get the girls worked up. So anything I can do to make the tear down easier, makes life easier for all of us.

Eva begins camping
Don’t get too relaxed Eva – we need to go home today!

Today Eva falls into a much nicer routine, and that gives me hope for our longer trip. We got up at 5:00 AM and walked down to our grassy spot and Eva did all of her business. Then we returned to our travel trailer and Eva had a nice breakfast with a microwaved egg on top.

Since dumping the tanks and cleaning the roof of any debris was really all we needed to do; Eva and I decided to go on a leisurely walk down the main park road. That went great until something moved in the brush at the side of the road. Eva jumped about a foot in the air and her hair stood up…but that was the extent of the encounter. Neither of us was really interested in looking for whatever was lurking in the brush.

Eva suffers from what I call “Puppy Paranoia”, if she sees someone or something behind her she tends to get fixated on looking behind her for a minute or two. Once she realized we were far enough away from the bushes where she heard the noise, we were good to continue on our walk.

When we got back to the trailer we settled in for a little rest. Eva ALWAYS needs to get on the bed with Tammy in the morning. It was no different in the trailer. She needs her contact comfort and snuggle time.

Eva begins camping
Hi Mommy, I am getting on this bed with or without a boost!

Once we were all up and ready for the day, the breakdown began. Eva handled the activity just fine. I dumped the tanks and climbed up and removed debris from the roof and slides. Then it was a quick trip to the dumpster with our trash and we were ready to roll.

Eva is a very good traveler in the Truck so it was an uneventful trip home, even with a stop for gas.

All in all a very successful trip for a trial run and it will probably only get better. The trip in a few weeks should go relatively smoothly.

Eva's First Camping trip completed
Trailer back home washed, cleaned out, and ready for the big trip.

To read about this trip from the beginning click here.