There is another delay in camping. This time it is related to two torrential rains in the Dallas area. The first storm brought about two inches of rain the night before we were going to hook up to the trailer.

Since I need to access the backyard to hook up, the soft ground made that impossible. In addition, the weather outlook for our second day at the park was projected to be a 100% chance of rain.

Those of you that camp with your floor children (dogs) understand that there is nothing great about trying to camp in thunderstorms. Travel Trailers are not quiet in a storm and the campsites can turn into mud pits. Since we are owned by a five month old German Shepherd Puppy (Eva), one can only imagine that energy x mess = horrible time! Plus lets face it, cooping up a puppy for a couple of days while it rains is not fun for the puppy either. So we have pushed the trip out to the first week in August.

Eva Grace - Not so tiny anymore!
Eva Grace – Not so tiny anymore!

This may be a better time for our German Shepherd Puppy to go camping because :

  1. She will be a month older and that is a month more mature (hopefully).
  2. The Trip will be closer to the time we head up north on our big camping trip, so her familiarity with camping won’t be as far in the past.

So in the meantime I have not been idle. I have replaced the stabilizers on the front of the trailer with BAL 7500 pound rated versions. The previous stabilizers were rated at 5000 pounds but just seemed a little flimsy, and didn’t move very freely.

7500 BAL Stabilizer installed - Note: one bolt and three self tapping screws.
7500 BAL Stabilizer installed – Note: one bolt and three self tapping screws.

For those of you that want to do this, it is very easy and takes about a half an hour per stabilizer. First you need to remove the old stabilizer. Next, if you are putting a larger one on, you will probably need to drill larger holes in your frame. Then simply bolt and screw the new stabilizer on. I had to enlarge all my screw holes but not the hole that the bolt goes through.

In addition to that improvement, I greased my CRE3000 suspension. That was not as easy as I thought it would be. One side would not take any grease so I actually had to raise that side of the trailer in order for the grease gun to work. MorRyde actually recommends that you raise the trailer for that procedure.

CRE3000 Suspension
CRE3000 Suspension

So, that is all I have for now, but I’m sure more will develop in the few weeks; because as you know, there is always something to do. Until then, stay safe and happy camping!