It was a quick four day trip to Tyler State Park, but it was long enough to try out the new window tinting and Torklift steps.

It was a four day stretch of hot weather in Texas when we stayed at Tyler State Park. I think this made it a really good test of the tinting on the travel trailer windows. The tint was supposed to cut down on about 80% of the heat coming into the trailer via the windows.
There is no doubt in my mind that this tinting made a big difference. We have stayed in slightly cooler conditions and the AC ran constantly. During this stay it actually cycled on and off as needed.
One other benefit to having the windows tinted is that it really does darken up the inside of the trailer (depending on what level of tint you decide to use). This was most noticeable in the morning as the sun rises. The tint really cut down on the light coming in the windows.
If you want to keep it brighter in the trailer, the solution would be simple; just pick a level of tint that allows more light in. The level of tint has nothing to do with the UV protection of 80%, it is just a personal preference. I will admit that due to our level of tinting it was much brighter outside than we would have expected when we would open the door to exit the trailer.
The only negative I can mention about the window tinting was the install process (click here to read the initial post). Given that my daughter Jennifer found yet another razor blade on the floor when we got to camp did not please me. This blade surfaced even after I washed the entire floor by hand. So where it was lurking is a mystery to me. However, this really speaks to the carelessness of the people putting the tint on the windows. They did great work otherwise.

This was the first really good test of the Torklift Glowsteps (click here to visit their site), which were in every way wonderful. They have made it so much easier to enter and exit the trailer, for my dogs and grandson Trent too! There is no way I could ever go back to conventional steps after having these. The stability that they add, not to mention the flexability in both upper and lower adjustment is amazing. If you have decided that the factory steps are not adequate; I highly recommend that you look at the Glowstep Revolution by Torklift International. They have recently come out with another step design that folds into the trailer door area but also provides all the flexibility of the Glowstep Revolution. So you now have a choice within the Torklift lineup as to what style you would prefer.
While these modifications are optional, they have certainly improved the live-ability of the travel trailer. They are not inexpensive but well worth the money spent.
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