This is a little tease from Chapter 8 of our latest book, “A Guide To Enjoying Your Travel Trailer” just released on Amazon. It is available in Kindle and Paperback. Also available on Amazon is our book “Your Guide To Purchasing A Travel Trailer“.

Attention Men!  This may be the most important chapter that you will read.

There is a reason you might see a male wearing a shirt that says “Honey I’m sorry for what I said when I was backing up the Camper”.  He is wearing it because more than likely he has been a jerk. 

There is nothing more frustrating than being the significant other of the tow vehicle driver.  After all, you just want to be helpful and get the rig situated so that the ritual of unpacking and plugging into the electric and water connections can begin.  However, more than likely your goal and your partner’s goals are going to be, to a certain degree, in conflict.

Typically the spotter is trying to get the vehicle lined up straight into the campsite. This involves making sure that the slides and awnings can extend without hitting a tree and that the water, electric, and sewer lines are close to the pedestal.

Meanwhile the Driver is just trying to get off the main road so that traffic can pass.  Of course, it is just an added bonus if the trailer lines up.  In addition, the driver is concerned about what he can’t see, and this is the side where the spotter is not located; because it’s impossible to be in two places at once.  The Drivers concern is not on how he will be situated in the campsite; his real concern is will he damage the camper doing it.

Adding to the frustration level is the fact that the Driver and the Spotter are probably trying to communicate through open windows and are shouting at each other. However, adding to their angst is the fact that “No!” and “Go!” can sound amazingly similar, as can “Okay!” and “Stay!”

Now let’s throw in the perfect storm:  All of this is taking place as the campgrounds agent has guided you to the site and is trying to interject himself into the conversation.

To read the rest of this chapter, please click on the picture below and buy our book on Amazon!