The trip to 1st Choice RV Repair in Indiana would be about 4 hours long taking us either through or around Chicago. Since rush hour in Chicago is horrible; we opted to wait until 8:30 to leave the campground. We also opted to take the bypass around Chicago as well. Given that we would be entering the eastern time zone in Indiana we knew that we were going to lose and hour and probably get there about 2:00 PM. This would be too late for them to start on any warranty work, but at least we could go through the punch list of items.

There is another advantage to having repairs done here; they have electric and water hookups.  This way you are able to stay overnight while they plow through your list of repairs.  When you travel with two large dogs, this is a real advantage.

We have had a really good experience with 1st choice RV Repair. Last year they got through a huge punch list of items in one day. This included items that our dealership had said were not possible to fix. We were so impressed with them that we knew we would only go to them for future warranty work or other repairs.

Our List in order of importance:
  1. GFI electric fault repaired
  2. Air Conditioner Bolts checked
  3. Front cap lights replaced
  4. Main AC modified; to remove the filter and tighten bolts.
  5. Replace outside speaker
  6. Cabinet Door replaced

Now, when we rolled into 1st choice we found out that Bert, the previous service manager had quit about a week before we arrived. Connie, the previous office manager had quit back in May to pursue a real estate career, so this was really quite a different staff now. Initially this really bothered me.  My concern was that our issues wouldn’t be handled as well as they had the previous year.   However, 1st Choice had hired a former RV Manufacturing Plant Manager as their new Service Manager.  Again,  they exceeded our expectations on all of the work that they performed.

When we got up each day in Goshen we would head to the Lux Café with the girls in the back of the truck.  This is a great family restaurant serving an outstanding, reasonably priced breakfast along with great service.  Last year when we stayed in Goshen we ate here every morning as well.  Then it was off to a small park nearby where we could take the girls for a walk.  After about an hour we went back to see how things were going on the trailer repairs.

Once we arrived back at 1st choice, the work was underway.   They were pulling the outlets apart on the slide-out looking for the GFI issue.  Tim, the new service manager, knew exactly how to tackle the GFI issue.  The GFI issue was repaired quickly; much to our relief.  In fact, everything on our list was completed.   The only exceptions were two items;  replacing the cabinet door, and modifying the main air conditioner.  The AC unit would be fixed the following day and the cabinet door would be shipped to my home address.

That night Tammy and I decided to go out to eat about five miles from the campground.   Hoppers Pike Street Restaurant in Goshen has an all you can eat fish fry and had great reviews on-line so we thought we would try it.

When we walked in I thought for sure we would end up with a long wait because it was crowded.  Fortunately, since there were only the two of us, we were seated immediately.   Shortly after we were seated I could see the sky in front of the restaurant beginning to darken.  I looked at the radar on my iPhone and there was a huge line of thunderstorms approaching the area.  It wasn’t long after that when I received a weather alert on my phone notifying us of very strong winds and severe storms approaching Goshen.

My concern was not about the storms and the travel trailer.   My concern was for Hannah and how she handles storms.  She has almost always been afraid of thunder and fireworks.  I think anyone that has a dog with this type of fear knows it is not fun for the dog or the owner.

Given how popular Hoppers is, it took quite a while to get our dinner.  To be frank, they gave us so much fish that there was no way, even as an all you can eat meal, that we would have ordered more.  The food was great.  If it had been a weekend I certainly would have tried the prime rib.  Given the impending storm we quickly ate our dinner and then it was back to the Travel Trailer.

The storm approaches 1st choice RV in Goshen

The storm approaches 1st choice RV in Goshen

We were back to the trailer about 30 minutes before the storm hit.  It appeared that we were on the very edge of it.  The winds were strong as the storm rolled in; but the rain wasn’t nearly as bad as I had imagined.  As I have mentioned before, Hannah is afraid of thunderstorms.   To make things easier for her I turned the AC on in the bedroom.  This way the noise from the fan would cancel out the noise from the storm.  Of course this time there was no leaking.  We were making progress!

The next day we had breakfast at the Lux Restaurant again.  Then it was time for the folks at 1st choice to trim out the main AC unit so that covers could be removed.  If you can’t remove the covers you will not be able to:

1) clean your filter, and

2) you will not be able to do your inspection of the four bolts that hold the unit tight against the seal on the roof.

After trimming out the main AC unit Tim inspected the four bolts.  All four were loose;  just like the bedroom AC had been.  Needless to say, this stop was worthwhile.  There is nothing worse than potential water leaks.  My advice is to check these bolts annually; it is easy to do.

Grand design informed me that they have since changed this AC design.  I posted the fix on-line for other owners with the same issue.  Several owners have thanked me and completed the repair.

We highly recommend this shop for any repairs you might need.  I don’t think there is any RV repair that they cannot perform, from inspecting/sealing your roof to repairing a wall or replacing a frame; it is a one stop shop.  Click here to visit their website.

The next day we would be off for Springfield Illinois, and the Double J campground.

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