July 12th – Ready to Roll

Our Son gets married,  a story that will cover 4225 miles and 11 states as we traverse the beauty of the country with the frustration of having a less than perfect travel trailer.

We rolled out of the driveway on July 13th for our son’s wedding.  The heat wave in Texas was just beginning to creep up to unbearable three digit temperatures.  The weather channels “feels Like” indices were even worse.  There is nothing nice about pulling a travel trailer in this kind of heat.

I have to say that between our dogs and the trailer issues we experienced, it was almost as if God didn’t want us to go on this trip.

Six days before the trip, our oldest dog got sick.  Five days before the trip our two dogs decided to have a too rough of a tussle in the backyard.  The night before the trip we had backed the trailer out of the shop area and turned it around.  This way we could load it up and then just pull out the next morning.  Early in the evening I could see dark clouds to the east of us.  Within an hour a huge storm rolled in with 70 mile per hour winds of that took down fences in the neighborhood; and trashed anything not bolted down.  Seeing this storm coming I attempted the back the trailer under my overhang and scratched the ladder.

At this point I was thinking “what a cluster #%$@”!!!  Is this the end of it?  Is this the last of the troubles that come in threes?  Nope.

There were yet more travails awaiting us on the road which was surprising given the amount of time we had already spent in the trailer.  Usually if you have spent as much time living in a trailer as we have, you expect all the kinks would have been worked out.  Ordinarily anything that is going to be a problem surfaces in the first year.  That has always been the case with every travel trailer we have purchased.   So this trip was a bit of an eye opener, and a confirmation on why people who buy used travel trailers have less issues…most everything has been worked out.

In the next thirteen posts I’ll try to accurately reflect the issues that happened on the road; as well as some of the great places we visited.  I don’t want to make it sound like all doom and gloom because in reality we stayed in great places (for the most part); saw some great things, and attended a beautiful wedding.

Jeff and Corrine tie the knot

To follow along on the trip with us click here