There are a couple convenient modifications you can make to your travel trailer that will make your life much easier.

Number 1) The LevelMatePro.

LevelMatePro is a wireless vehicle leveling system.  The system utilizes blue tooth technology to send information to a free App on your smart phone.  The App then provides information on how to level your travel trailer, left to right, and front to back.  The days of carrying a level with you on camping trips are over if you invest in this system.  The cost of the system is incredibly inexpensive (139.00 on Amazon) for how easy it will make leveling your vehicle.

The LevelMatePro can mount on any wall in your travel trailer.  However, for best blue tooth reception it should be mounted close to the front of the trailer.  We mounted our unit over the bed.

The hardest part of setting up this unit is getting your trailer level before syncing it.  You will want to make sure you are perfectly level before you start programming the App.  Next you will need to take some measurements:

  1. Width of your trailer from the outside to outside of the tires
  2. Length of the trailer from the center of the rear wheel to the center of the jack stand.

These measurements are entered on the App that is download to your smart phone.  Once those measurements are entered;  press the “set Level” button.  This locks your measurements in the App.   Now when you pull into a camp site all you need to do is turn on the power to the level mate pro, turn on your smart phone Ap and get the information on how many inches (or centimeters) you need to raise or lower your travel trailer to reach the level point.

Obviously knowing how many inches you need to level your travel trailer is a benefit since it takes the guesswork out of how many blocks to place under the tires when you are on an angle – no more guess work.

Number 2)  The Renator Water Pressure Regulator.

The Renator Water Pressure Regulator is a lead free adjustable water pressure regulator.  Using it will insure that you don’t over pressurize your plumbing system with the city water hook ups.  If by chance the water pressure at the campground is too high it can burst the plumbing lines inside your trailer.  I must admit, we have traveled for years without a regulator with zero problems.  Now that we are doing more county and state park camping we felt it might be cheap insurance.  The Renator Regulator is preset to 45 PSI at the factory.  Since it is adjustable you can increase that pressure if you feel it isn’t strong enough.  Consult with your RV professionals for what they feel is appropriate for your make and model RV.  Don’t take a risk with your plumbing.

There are many models out on the market including models that are not adjustable.  We tried a non adjustable unit but it was very restrictive on the pressure coming into the trailer so we spent the extra money on the adjustable model.

You can hook the regulator at the city water spigot prior to your hose or in (or at) the trailer city water inlet.  If you are using a water filter you will probably want to put it on after the water filter so there isn’t a further restriction of pressure after the regulator – just my opinion.  Others connect it prior to the filter; to protect the filter from bursting.

Another interesting function this can serve is to protect  your water lines when you winterize your trailer with compressed air.  I have seen people hook their compressor to the regulator at the water inlet to further protect the lines.  I have not done this as I can easily control my pressure at the compressor.

Think of a Water Pressure Regulator the same way you would think of a Surge Protector for your electrical system; you may never need it but you will be glad you have it in the event something bad happens.

In my opinion the LevelMate Pro is a “Nice to have” (since for about thirty years we used a bubbly level), and the water pressure regulator is a “Must have”, but both of these mods are easy and inexpensive.