Whether we are discussing cars or travel trailers, so many things have changed over the years.

Things Sure Have Changed Over The Years

Things Sure Have Changed Over The Years

Can you remember a time when all it took was a pliers, screw driver, and a feeler gauge to keep your car running?  That’s pretty close to what it takes to keep my ’66 Beetle running (shown in the picture above).  How about a time when no one had slide out rooms on their travel trailers?  Certainly technology was much simpler back then, but as technology evolved; so did the way we viewed the world…it just wasn’t quite as big as we thought.

It’s pretty amazing to think of all the technological advances that have occurred in the last 50 years.  In fact even if you go back twenty-five years, things were quite different.  If you were traveling with your travel trailer, you probably had no cell phone, and no lap top.  In addition you did not have a navigation system.  You drove along the highways relying on your United States Atlas or AAA’s TripTik.  This was just a fact of life.

Cell phone, computers and navigations systems are only a few of the things that people just cannot live without now.

To be realistic it is hard to imagine being on the road without some connection to the outside world;  just in case you have a problem.  In addition, having a connection to the outside world also increase the entertainment value of the trip.  Thanks to technology you can find things to do through a simple google search.  Years ago, you really needed to know what activities were available at your destination before you planned your trip.  Now, you can roll into a campground and search the internet for things to do nearby – a real advantage.

Most people probably travel with some sort of roadside assistance to make sure they can get out of a jam if they need to.  Twenty five years ago, we just made sure we had a good scissors jack and the spare tire had air in it.  Anything else that might happen while in route would just need to be dealt with if and when it happened (Click here to read our post on “When Trailering Goes Horribly Wrong” and you will see what I mean).

I think about my Grandmother, Ruby,  born in 1885.  She spent her entire life in a tiny Northern Wisconsin town.  She would live to a rip age of 100 years old. The changes that she experienced in her lifetime had to be almost overwhelming.  From the development of electric lighting in 1879; automobiles in the early 1900’s;  radio in 1920;  the telephone and indoor plumbing in the 1930’s;  television in 1931;  to landing a man on the moon in 1969.  From a technological point of view it had to be an amazing life.

It seems like every year we get more and more technologically advanced.  In addition our Tow Vehicles and Travel Trailers do too.  Just spend ten minutes and I bet you can think of a dozen things on the new tow vehicles and travel trailers that were not available even ten years ago.

Technology, for all it’s complications has made the world a safer place when we tow; and it has made us more comfortable inside our Travel Trailers.  I plan on visiting a couple RV shows this spring and can’t wait to see what’s new.  Change is good!